Thursday, October 4, 2007

Late Reaction

This killing to me seems like it has been over dramatized. There have been killings, robberies, and crimes like this for years before. None of it has been publicized the way this has. I think that if he wasn't a football player, no one would care. This reaction has been waited on for a long time. and I think that its about time that someone freaked out. Its just a shame that the only reason it is brought up is because of the fact that the guy played or University of Memphis.

i believe my point has been made. I honestly have nothing else I can say on the matter.


Ismail said...

You have a point on that that because he was The University of Memphis student and football player that a lot of people dramatized this incident as it rarely occur in Memphis, which is not. I think the reaction occur at incident different from many other incident that happened in the past is that because of Virginia Tech Massacre.

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are saying about how its about time that people brought this incident to a open matter. The reason that people in general don't get freaked out about killing is because they are used to it. Their are so much killing, robbering, and rapes going around that we as a whole are customed to it. When you said that the reason they brought up the incident was because he was a football player, I disagree with that. I feel that even if it wasn't a football player, they still would have made it public because it was a crime on the UofM campus and students need to be inform about their surroundings because the killer could strike again.

seagraves22 said...

I believe that the main reason this was such a big story is the fact that it actually happened on campus, and even though this may sound insensitive I think that for the media the fact that it was a football player was icing on the cake. It is sad that this event even had to occur but some people don't even know that the same weekend a world class track athlete at Ole Miss was killed in his apartment but the only reason it was not made into a major story would be the fact that it was an off campus killing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...u have your opinion but The University of Memphis is a place close to home because we are all here so much. Hell, it IS home for some people. You are right about the fact that there is a lot of robberies, killings, etc. in Memphis though because Memphis is kind of a dangerous place. I think that's it's been over publicized is because it was ON campus. Even though it was at night, it was still on campus.

Kameshia Williams said...

You make things sounds so ....self centered but of course if sumone died at any University of course it going to be aired on tv like a marthon so its just life so deal with it.